Year 1
Welcome to the
Butterflies and Ladybirds
Year 1 Teachers - Mrs Harrington, Mrs Martin, Mrs Hales
Support Staff - Miss Wood & Miss Maskeen
Click here for your child's PE days
Click here to see your child's school trips for the year
In DT we have enjoyed designing and making our own fruit milkshakes. Children began by exploring and tasting a range of fruit to help them choose which fruit they would like to put in their milkshake. We then chopped up the fruit and mixed it altogether in a blender, we thought they tasted delicious. Children have enjoyed learning all about the history of Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. Children enjoyed acting out the story of the gunpowder plot and dressing up as Guy Fawkes.
In December Year 1 went to watch Beauty and the Beast at Kings Hall theatre. We had a brilliant time, and the children behaved excellently. In November the children had a visit from Road Safety Officer. He talked about how we stay safe around the roads and why it is important to wear bright at night. All the children were given a reflector to wear on their coats and it’s lovely to see so many of them still wearing them. We also practised using a pelican crossing to cross the road safely.
Year 1 End of Year Expectations
This leaflet shows the overview of what your child is expected to learn by the end of their current year group. These are the minimum requirements to ensure continued progress through the following years.
Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2024-25
Spring 1 Learning
How to read with your child part 1:
How to read with your child part 2: