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Year 4

Welcome to the
Dragonflies and Swallows

Year 4 Teachers - Mr Kueres

Support Staff - Miss Parkinson & Mrs Cartwright

Click here for your child's PE days
Click here to see your child's school trips for the year

This term year 4 has enjoyed a number of experiences to support our learning.  The Unconventional Menagerie visited which gave us the opportunity to use our observation and classification skills on some extremely interesting animals.  The classes also got to hold some exotic creatures including tarantulas, snakes and lizards!  As part of our geography topic on rivers both the Swallows and the Dragonflies visited Trentham Gardens where we were able to study a section of the River Trent and also look at the efforts the Trentham Rangers are making in rewilding beavers.  We also got to experience some of the human features of this amazing place (the play area!). We also got our teeth stuck into tasting various fruit pies this term, to help us design, make and evaluate our very own fruit pies, yum!

Year 4 End of Year Expectations

This leaflet shows the overview of what your child is expected to learn by the end of their current year group. These are the minimum requirements to ensure continued progress through the following years.



Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024-25



Spring 1 Learning Science



Spring 1 Learning



Spring 1 Learning